
Here you will find most of the common words and terminology used in Psionics and Energy Working discussions and classes and a brief description of what each term or word means.

Here is the list of terms currently found in our Glossary:

A – G
1. Abyss
2. Analytical Overlay (AOL)
3. Apparition
4. Astral Body
5. Astral Plane
6. Astral Projection
7. Astral Travel
8. Aura
9. Automation
10. Balance
11. Banishing
12. Bubble Shield
13. Chakra
14. Channeling
15. Chaos Shield
16. Clair-audience/-voyance/-sentience/-alience/-cognizance/-gustance
17. Cloak
18. Construct
19. Coordinate Remote Viewing

D – F
20. Dissociation
21. Divination
22. Doppelganger
23. Dream Control
24. Dream-walking
25. Egregore
26. Eidolons
27. Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP)
29. Empathetic Shield
30. Empathy
31. Energy
32. Entity
33. Ethereal Plane
34. External Flow
35. Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)
36. Faith Healing
37. Feeding
38. Filtering
39. Fluff
40. Form
41. Frequency Variance
42. Frontloading

G – N
43. Ganzfeld
44. Ghost
45. Grounding
46. Haunting
47. Internal Flow
48. Latent
49. Levitation
50. Ley Lines
51. Link
52. Linking
53. Lucid Dreaming
54. Marshmallow Shield
55. Meditation
56. Medium
57. Mirror Shield
58. Near Death Experience
59. Necromancy
60. Netherworld

O – R
61. Occult
62. Other-kin
63. Out of Body Experience (OBE)
64. Paranormal
65. Parapsychology
66. Past Life
67. Physical Plane
68. Plane
69. Poltergeist
70. Precognition
71. Premonition
72. Projection
73. Psi
74. Psi-ball
75. Psion
76. Psionic Energy – A.K.A. Subtle Energy
77. Psionics
78. Psivamp
79. Psychic Surgery
80. Psychokinesis
81. Psychometry
82. Reading – A.K.A. Scanning
83. Realm – A.K.A. Plane
84. Recharge
85. Reincarnation
86. Remote Presence
87. Remote Touch
88. Remote Viewing

S – Z
89. Sang – A.K.A. Sanguine
90. Scanning – A.K.A. Reading
91. Sealing
92. Sexual Feeding
93. Shaman
94. Shapeshifter
95. Shapeshifting
96. Shield
97. Shield Piercing
98. Shifting
99. Sparring
100. Spirit
101. Subconscious
102. Subliminal
103. Supernatural
104. Synchronicity
105. Telekinesis
106. Telepathic Shield
107. Telepathy
108. Teleportation
109. Therian – Short for Therianthrope
110. Tracing
111. Trance
112. Vampire
113. Veil
114. Visualization
115. Void
116. Weaving
117. Will

Written By:  P.I. Administration
© 2012 Psionics Institute