Healing and Awareness Meditation

Log from #Classroom on Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 8PM EST:  “Healing and Awareness Meditation”, hosted by Taetarthe:
[20:02] <Taetarthe> We’re going to start with breathing.
[20:02] <Taetarthe> Starting with a deep, controlled breath in.
[20:03] <Taetarthe> hold it for a moment, and then let it out.
[20:03] <Taetarthe> hold a moment before you take another breath, and repeat.
[20:05] <Taetarthe> You can ease your breathing a bit now, you should be feeling a little more relaxed, and aware of what is going on around you/within your body.
[20:08] <Taetarthe> Alright, we are going to turn our focus in to our energy, who here does not know how to do that?
[20:08] <Lutasi> Explain it anyway?
[20:09] <Taetarthe> Only if it’s necessary.
[20:09] <Lutasi> Ephraim proably doesn’t
[20:09] <RavenFire> Explain maybe, make sure I’m on the same page with you.
[20:09] <Ephraim> ^
[20:10] <Taetarthe> Alright, as you breathe, pay attention to the surrounding area.
[20:11] <Taetarthe> With each in breath, you will feel the intake of air and the feeling of your lungs expanding.
[20:11] <Taetarthe> You will feel your heart pumping
[20:12] <Taetarthe> You should also feel an in flux of pressure as energy flows into you.
[20:12] <Taetarthe> Conversely, as you breathe out, you should feel this pressure lessen.
[20:13] <Taetarthe> This is geared for someone who doesn’t scan or sense on a regular basis, if you do, you are liable to actually track the flow of your energy as it moves through you.
[20:13] <RavenFire> My system is wanting to hold it
[20:13] <Taetarthe> Don’t force anything, RavenFire.
[20:13] <Taetarthe> Just breathe, and pay attention to what is happening.
[20:15] <Taetarthe> We should now turn our focus in toward one of our primary cores, right in our solar plexus.
[20:15] <Taetarthe> Focus on what energy is doing in there.
[20:16] <Taetarthe> Please, feel free to speak up if I’ve lost any of you
[20:16] <Taetarthe> Make a mark first, ( “!” works well)
[20:16] * RavenFire is following so far
[20:17] <Lutasi> ~ is better
[20:17] <Taetarthe> either or
[20:17] <Taetarthe> Lutasi, are you participating or just watching?
[20:18] <Lutasi> Kinda both
[20:19] <Taetarthe> I don’t appreciate people being distracted here.
[20:19] * Taetarthe sets mode: +v SilentEcho
[20:20] <Taetarthe> So, how is everyone doing, any troubles feeling what I’ve described so far?
[20:20] <RavenFire> Not so far, no
[20:20] <Little_Dragon> nope
[20:20] <Auegamma> All’s fine.
[20:20] <RavenFire> Just had the pressure problem but it’s better
[20:20] <Taetarthe> How about you, Ephraim?
[20:20] * Lutasi finds it a bit too intense focusing directly on plexus place
[20:20] <Ephraim> not feeling the pressure but i think thats more of a sensing issue atm
[20:20] <Taetarthe> alright.
[20:21] <Little_Dragon> I am getting impressions of the area of focus visually.
[20:21] <Taetarthe> Are you having trouble relaxing, eph?
[20:21] <Ephraim> nope, i’ve something helping with that
[20:21] * Ephraim is now listening to: Adagio for TRON by Daft Punk from the alumb TRON: Legacy
[20:22] <Taetarthe> Please, save the advertisements for after the class.
[20:22] <Taetarthe> =P
[20:22] <Ephraim> 😕
[20:22] <Ephraim> its not on pi radio, i’m not broadcasting
[20:22] <Taetarthe> Doesn’t matter
[20:22] <Taetarthe> It’s distracting, nonetheless.
[20:23] <Ephraim> !down
[20:23] <Lutasi> As is this argument
[20:23] <Little_Dragon> let’s get back to meditating before this session is derailed
[20:24] <Taetarthe> I am trying to work with Ephraim, little dragon
[20:25] <Taetarthe> You should continue to focus on your breathing, and paying attention to your energy
[20:25] * RavenFire nods
[20:25] <Taetarthe> Feel free to explore it, really feel how it is moving.
[20:26] <Taetarthe> Now, eph, you don’t have trouble feeling your psi balls.
[20:26] <Taetarthe> Or a construct you make.
[20:27] <Taetarthe> why do you think you’re having trouble here?
[20:27] * Taetarthe sets mode: +v Ephraim
[20:27] <Ephraim> still focusing on breathing, not yet autonomically deep breathing
[20:28] <Taetarthe> Why is that?
[20:28] * Ephraim shrugs
[20:29] <Ephraim> also had something to drink and adhd pills are out of system
[20:29] <Taetarthe> keep your breathing at about the same rate, but turn your attention toward your energy, feel it as you would a construct.
[20:29] <Ephraim> so take more effort to focus on non-rutine thing
[20:29] <Ephraim> +s
[20:31] <Ephraim> now starting to feel it
[20:31] <Taetarthe> Good.
[20:31] <Taetarthe> I’ll let you get aquainted, when you feel ready, move on with the rest of us.
[20:32] <Ephraim> so what should the  solar plexus be doing?
[20:32] <Taetarthe> It doesn’t matter what it should be doing, it matters that you are paying attention to what it is doing.
[20:33] <Ephraim> ok
[20:33] <Taetarthe> Alright, now that we’re all well acquainted with our energy, we’re going to to a cycling clease of it.
[20:33] <Taetarthe> *cleanse
[20:33] <Taetarthe> I can’t spell today
[20:34] <Taetarthe> With each breath inward breath, feel fresh energy, outside of your normal loop flow into you.
[20:34] <Taetarthe> -1 breath
[20:34] <Taetarthe> xD
[20:34] <RavenFire> heh
[20:34] <Lutasi> ?
[20:35] <Taetarthe> With each outward breath, feel the otherwise stagnant energy in your system get expelled from you.
[20:36] <Taetarthe> I apologize for the errors, I’m still rather tired ^_^
[20:36] <Taetarthe> When I say you, I’m talking not just of your body, but your field too.
[20:36] <Ephraim> kinda like grounding?
[20:36] <Taetarthe> There are many ways to ground.
[20:38] <Ephraim> heh
[20:38] <Taetarthe> As you breathe, I want you to focus on your solar plexus. remove the stagnant energies from their first, and work your way outward throughout the rest of your body.
[20:39] <Taetarthe> *there.
[20:41] <Taetarthe> How is everyone feeling?
[20:41] <RavenFire> It’s making me want to drool, seriously heh
[20:41] <Auegamma> Good.
[20:41] <Ephraim> tingly
[20:41] <Taetarthe> Anyone having troubles?
[20:41] <RavenFire> no
[20:41] <Little_Dragon> naah
[20:41] <Lutasi> I’ll let you know when I’m done dealing witht his knot thing >->
[20:41] <Little_Dragon> I feel more energertic and calmer
[20:41] * Ephraim gets a towel for Adara
[20:41] <Taetarthe> Eph, you can probably slow down your breathing a bit, especially if it’s a cold tingly.
[20:42] <Taetarthe> You might be getting too much oxygen
[20:42] <Taetarthe> If you feel a knot, or a tangle in your lines.
[20:43] <Taetarthe> Breathe slowly, calmly, allow energy through your body, and let your body relax.
[20:43] <Ephraim> also the a/c is on/system is set to cool and last check set to 21?C
[20:43] <Taetarthe> don’t necessarily try to untangle the flow.
[20:44] * RavenFire really needed this, been a while since she’s felt her energy move through her entire system/body and not just particular places
[20:44] <Taetarthe> Just let it relax, into the proper position.
[20:44] <Ephraim> also i’m usually cold
[20:44] <Lutasi> Too late  pulled it straight :
[20:44] <Taetarthe> Wasn’t just directed at you hun.
[20:46] <Taetarthe> Does everyone feel clean enough to move on to the awareness portion of this lesson?
[20:46] <Ephraim> yip
[20:46] <Auegamma> I am.
[20:46] <RavenFire> mhm like I said, trying not to drool
[20:46] * Ephraim squeaks on the energetic level :3
[20:46] <Little_Dragon> lmost
[20:47] <Little_Dragon> ok, feeling cleaner
[20:47] * Ephraim hand Adara a towel
[20:47] * Lutasi doesn’t imagine he gets much cleaner
[20:47] <Taetarthe> alright. the next portion is eaier said than done.
[20:47] <Taetarthe> But we’re going to attempt it anyway.
[20:47] <Taetarthe> ^_^
[20:48] <RavenFire> heh
[20:48] <Taetarthe> Go back to focussing on your breathing.
[20:50] <Taetarthe> as you keep a steady breath, I want you to begin ‘just’ paying attention
[20:50] <Taetarthe> to what is going on around you.
[20:50] <RavenFire> and this is the hard part for me
[20:51] <Taetarthe> I recommend that you count the seconds or heartbeats it takes for each in breath, and each out breath if you have trouble keepin your attention.
[20:51] <Taetarthe> That is
[20:51] <Taetarthe> focus on your breathing, but pay attention to everything else.
[20:51] <Ephraim> this is torture to ADHD
[20:51] <Lutasi> Proably better that you learn to do it then :\
[20:51] <Taetarthe> I know, Eph, but try it anyway
[20:51] <Taetarthe> For this, you may feel comfortable closing your eyes.
[20:52] <Ephraim> i entend to, just say my nick if you want me to see something typed
[20:53] <Taetarthe> We will come back in 5 minutes of this, starting now. If you are having trouble keeping your attention on what is going on around you, just focus on your breathing.
[20:53] * Lutasi is starting to get a headache
[20:54] <Taetarthe> May I ask why, Lutasi?
[20:54] <Lutasi> I’m not sure
[20:54] <Taetarthe> can you describe it?
[20:54] <Taetarthe> where is the pain, and how bad?
[20:55] <Lutasi> Behind left ear on that bulgey part
[20:55] <Lutasi> mild
[20:55] <Lutasi> more slight discomfort than pain
[20:55] <Taetarthe> alright, I’ll do a small bit to help that, you focus on your meditation.
[20:55] <Little_Dragon> funny…
[20:55] <Taetarthe> hm?
[20:55] <Little_Dragon> I am resting my head on my hand at that part
[20:56] <Taetarthe> Little_Dragon: focus on the meditation
[20:58] <Taetarthe> alright, how is everyone?
[20:58] <Ephraim> good
[20:59] <Little_Dragon> ok, although I did get impressions I need to confirm
[20:59] <Taetarthe> Do you want to continue, or should we quit and move onto question/answer?
[20:59] <Little_Dragon> continue?
[20:59] <Lutasi> don’t really want to move XP
[21:00] <Taetarthe> alright, we’ll go for another 3 minutes of awareness meditation
[21:00] <Ephraim> i’ve hit my limit of focusing
[21:00] <Ephraim> adhd demands random time
[21:01] <Taetarthe> Have you tried allowing your thoughts to roam free as you pay attention?
[21:03] <Taetarthe> alright, I believe that is enough for now.
[21:03] <Little_Dragon> ok
[21:03] <Taetarthe> I recommend you all take a few breaths before you get up, and also as you are up.
[21:04] * Ephraim was sitting in his chair
[21:04] <Taetarthe> Normalize it slowly, stretch, grab a drink if you need to, etc.
[21:04] <Taetarthe> So was I eph
[21:04] * Lutasi already ran to the kitchen
[21:04] <Ephraim> llol
[21:04] <Taetarthe> But that kind of breathing can screw with you.
[21:05] <Taetarthe> SilentEcho, you’ve been quiet.
[21:05] <Little_Dragon> If I posted this it would have killed the meditation  http://www.kittyhell.com/2010/05/18/hello-kitty-briefs/
[21:05] <Taetarthe> I know you came in half way, did you have trouble?
[21:05] * Little_Dragon was kicked by Taetarthe (no)
[21:06] <Taetarthe> Also, now is question and answer time! Questions should now be asked, and experiences shared
[21:08] <Lutasi> Umm
[21:08] <Little_Dragon> sorry, guess that was more inappropriate than I thought
[21:08] <Taetarthe> (6:07:03 PM) Taetarthe: Also, now is question and answer time! Questions should now be asked, and experiences shared
[21:08] <Ephraim> def wrong cahn
[21:08] <Lutasi> Where exactly were we supposed to get energy from in the whole cycling thing?
[21:09] <Taetarthe> Around you
[21:09] * Lutasi kinda just did a general pull
[21:09] <Taetarthe> *nod*
[21:09] <Ephraim> same place as the CO2 you exhale
[21:09] <RavenFire> Tae, it gave me something more to try when I do meditate, like I said, made me wanna drool
[21:09] <RavenFire> aka relaxing
[21:09] <Little_Dragon> lutasi, everything is made of and contains energy, including the air.
[21:09] * Lutasi at a certain point also felt like everything was rapidly shifting an inch left and an inch right
[21:10] <Taetarthe> Like a vibration almost?
[21:10] <RavenFire> only thing I had problem with during all that, was my heart chakra
[21:10] <Lutasi> Like alternating current
[21:10] <Taetarthe> ahh
[21:10] <Lutasi> but lets go say it’s a wave
[21:11] <Lutasi> the frequency would be about 0.68 seconds
[21:11] <Ephraim> cool
[21:11] <Little_Dragon> When I became more aware of what was around me, I got impressions of the energies being more harmonious in this room than in most rooms, and others in the house and then the notion that people are coming over tomorrow popped into my head.
[21:12] <Taetarthe> At any case. That’s supposed to be a common occurence in hitting deeper mental states while being still and conscious.
[21:12] <Lutasi> I’m familiar
[21:12] <Lutasi> with that veiw
[21:13] <Taetarthe> I’ve felt something like it before
[21:13] <Taetarthe> But it was due to lack of sleep
[21:13] <Ephraim> lol
[21:13] <Lutasi> O.O
[21:14] <Taetarthe> RavenFire, your heart chakra has some scarred blockages that likely reflect your own heart problems.
[21:15] <Taetarthe> There isn’t a whole lot you can do about it, unfortunately.
[21:15] <Taetarthe> Eph, your main problem seems to be your adhd.
[21:15] <RavenFire> I only have mild hypertension and a murmur I was born with that doesn’t give me problems, other than that my heart’s fine
[21:15] <Ephraim> lol duh
[21:16] <Taetarthe> Which is ironic, because diligent meditation is supposed to be really good for adhd patients.
[21:16] <Taetarthe> and add ones too.
[21:16] <Ephraim> its now just adhd
[21:16] <Taetarthe> Really?
[21:16] <Ephraim> yip
[21:17] <Ephraim> defs got changed a while ago
[21:17] * RavenFire doesn’t see why she’d have a problem with it
[21:17] <Ephraim> and when dsm-V comes out, MORE NEW DEFS!
[21:17] <Taetarthe> A good friend of mind was falsely diagnosed with adhd, and ended up bipolar thanks to the affect of the meds on his body.
[21:18] <Lutasi> It’s kinda a popular illness right now
[21:18] <Lutasi> *eyeroll*
[21:18] <Ephraim> yeah, some years ago adhd was teh “it” diagnosis of problem kids, still is sadly
[21:18] <Taetarthe> mhm.
[21:18] <Ephraim> “my kid’s not stupid/lazy, he’s adhd! gimme meds!”
[21:19] * Lutasi nearly got shackled with it but luckily got “gifted” instead because I’ve got an awesome memory
[21:19] <Taetarthe> Some bs nurse tried to give me an adhd diagnosis as a kid.
[21:19] <Taetarthe> Turns out I had thyroid problems.
[21:19] <Lutasi> Moving on?
[21:19] <Taetarthe> which I grew out of
[21:19] <Taetarthe> Yes, yes.
[21:19] <Ephraim> so wrong, you have to score overall at least slightly above average to get a true adhd diagnosis
[21:20] <Ephraim> i’m gifted, tho i’m comorbid with a slew of LDs
[21:20] <RavenFire> no heart problems other than what I just said, but anyway
[21:20] <Taetarthe> Anywho.
[21:20] <Taetarthe> Didn’t you say you had a heart attack at one point, RavenFire?
[21:20] * Ephraim has a complex diagnosis
[21:20] <RavenFire> no
[21:20] <Taetarthe> Or was that someone else?
[21:20] <Taetarthe> Meh.
[21:20] <RavenFire> someone else >.>
[21:20] <Taetarthe> Weird, but I’ll leave that be.
[21:21] <RavenFire> My Dad did
[21:21] <RavenFire> not me
[21:21] <Ephraim> my paternal grandfather had 4 known heart attacks
[21:21] * Ephraim is doomed
[21:21] <Lutasi> Moving on?
[21:21] <Taetarthe> Where were we?
[21:22] <RavenFire> My mother had mini-strokes (several) and my father had a massive heart attack and a stroke.  The heart attack almost killed him.
[21:22] <Taetarthe> Little_Dragon, how about you?
[21:22] <RavenFire> But no, not me
[21:22] <Ephraim> yes, enough about the doomed ppl
[21:22] <RavenFire> I refuse to say I’m doomed, I control my own outcome Eph
[21:22] * Lutasi did not come here to discuss medicine
[21:23] <Lutasi> LD please say something
[21:23] <Ephraim> hard to control genetics but thats niether here nor there atm
[21:23] <Little_Dragon> not much to say, I got a better sense of the energies around me and started getting impressions of othe rthings
[21:23] <Taetarthe> Any questions?
[21:23] <Little_Dragon> whereas my internal energies seem to need stimulation, they are lacking and my solar plexus core is not giving off a truly healthy energy.
[21:24] <Little_Dragon> A good indication that I should not have sat around all day.
[21:24] <Little_Dragon>
[21:24] <Little_Dragon> I need exercise and decent food.  I can get both now.
[21:25] <Taetarthe> heh
[21:25] <Taetarthe> Alright, any questions from anyone?
[21:25] <RavenFire> No, just trying to figure out the heart chakra thing now
[21:25] * Lutasi tries to think of Qs
[21:26] <Taetarthe> I’m telling you RavenFire, it looks related to physical issues.
[21:26] <Little_Dragon> well, I was wondering if you could make a suggestion for improving my core output
[21:26] * Lutasi tries to think of Qs that don’t sound narcissistic
[21:26] <RavenFire> Tae, then that worries me since doctors don’t see anything wrong other than what I said
[21:26] <Taetarthe> Little_Dragon, get in shape
[21:27] <Little_Dragon> besides that
[21:27] <Little_Dragon> well, I can get out now, night is young
[21:27] <Little_Dragon> Granted, I spent last night dancing and socializing
[21:27] <Little_Dragon> gtg, byes
[21:29] <Taetarthe> narcissistic questions are fine, Lutasi
[21:29] <Lutasi> Where’s my little blurb then?
[21:29] <Lutasi> everyone else got one
[21:29] <Lutasi> Where’s miiiiine
[21:30] <Taetarthe> You didn’t have one? Must’ve been because you were so talkative.
[21:30] <Taetarthe> =P Figured you’d just blurt it out
[21:30] <RavenFire> lol
[21:30] <Lutasi> Hehehe
[21:33] <Taetarthe> Well?
[21:33] * Taetarthe smiles and taps foot
[21:34] <Lutasi> Hmm?
[21:36] <Taetarthe> You wanted a blurb?
[21:36] <Taetarthe> ^_^
[21:37] <Lutasi> Iunno
[21:37] <Lutasi> sure
[21:37] <Lutasi> I guess if you really want
[21:42] * Lutasi waits
[21:44] <Taetarthe> You’ll be there for a while.
[21:47] <RavenFire> lol

Healing Meditation Steps:  (Log without the commentary)
[19:44] <Taetarthe> Meditation is relatively goal based.
[19:55] <Taetarthe> Alright, we’ll start with a healing meditation and we’ll move onto an awareness meditation afterward.
[20:02] <Taetarthe> We’re going to start with breathing.
[20:02] <Taetarthe> Starting with a deep, controlled breath in.
[20:03] <Taetarthe> hold it for a moment, and then let it out.
[20:03] <Taetarthe> hold a moment before you take another breath, and repeat.
[20:05] <Taetarthe> You can ease your breathing a bit now, you should be feeling a little more relaxed, and aware of what is going on around you/within your body.
[20:08] <Taetarthe> Alright, we are going to turn our focus in to our energy, who here does not know how to do that?
[20:10] <Taetarthe> Alright, as you breathe, pay attention to the surrounding area.
[20:11] <Taetarthe> With each in breath, you will feel the intake of air and the feeling of your lungs expanding.
[20:11] <Taetarthe> You will feel your heart pumping
[20:12] <Taetarthe> You should also feel an in flux of pressure as energy flows into you.
[20:12] <Taetarthe> Conversely, as you breathe out, you should feel this pressure lessen.
[20:13] <Taetarthe> This is geared for someone who doesn’t scan or sense on a regular basis, if you do, you are liable to actually track the flow of your energy as it moves through you.
[20:13] <Taetarthe> Don’t force anything
[20:13] <Taetarthe> Just breathe, and pay attention to what is happening.
[20:15] <Taetarthe> We should now turn our focus in toward one of our primary cores, right in our solar plexus.
[20:15] <Taetarthe> Focus on what energy is doing in there.
[20:25] <Taetarthe> You should continue to focus on your breathing, and paying attention to your energy
[20:25] <Taetarthe> Feel free to explore it, really feel how it is moving.
[20:29] <Taetarthe> keep your breathing at about the same rate, but turn your attention toward your energy, feel it as you would a construct.
[20:33] <Taetarthe> Alright, now that we’re all well acquainted with our energy, we’re going to to a cycling cleanse of it.
[20:34] <Taetarthe> With each inward breath, feel fresh energy, outside of your normal loop flow into you.
[20:35] <Taetarthe> With each outward breath, feel the otherwise stagnant energy in your system get expelled from you.
[20:36] <Taetarthe> When I say you, I’m talking not just of your body, but your field too.
[20:38] <Taetarthe> As you breathe, I want you to focus on your solar plexus. Remove the stagnant energies from there first, and work your way outward throughout the rest of your body.
[20:42] <Taetarthe> If you feel a knot, or a tangle in your lines.
[20:43] <Taetarthe> Breathe slowly, calmly, allow energy through your body, and let your body relax.
[20:43] <Taetarthe> don’t necessarily try to untangle the flow.
[20:44] <Taetarthe> Just let it relax, into the proper position.

Awareness Meditation Steps:  (Log without the commentary)
[20:47] <Taetarthe> alright. the next portion is eaier said than done.
[20:47] <Taetarthe> But we’re going to attempt it anyway.
[20:47] <Taetarthe> ^_^
[20:48] <Taetarthe> Go back to focussing on your breathing.
[20:50] <Taetarthe> as you keep a steady breath, I want you to begin ‘just’ paying attention
[20:50] <Taetarthe> to what is going on around you.
[20:51] <Taetarthe> I recommend that you count the seconds or heartbeats it takes for each in breath, and each out breath if you have trouble keepin your attention.
[20:51] <Taetarthe> That is
[20:51] <Taetarthe> focus on your breathing, but pay attention to everything else.
[20:51] <Taetarthe> For this, you may feel comfortable closing your eyes.
[20:53] <Taetarthe> We will come back in 5 minutes of this, starting now. If you are having trouble keeping your attention on what is going on around you, just focus on your breathing.
[21:00] <Taetarthe> alright, we’ll go for another 3 minutes of awareness meditation
[21:03] <Taetarthe> alright, I believe that is enough for now.
[21:03] <Taetarthe> I recommend you all take a few breaths before you get up, and also as you are up.
[21:04] <Taetarthe> Normalize it slowly, stretch, grab a drink if you need to, etc.

Posted By:  Adara, Head Manager/Head Operator

© 2013 Psionics Institute